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Snapshot of some of the tools, platforms and innovation projects.

BannerPro Creative Tool

Creative Lab Showcase Platform

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Award-winning Interactive  Brand Templates

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Objective: Increase creative team bandwidth efficiency by 60%

Bannerpro was an internal tool ideated and made to reduce the effort for the performance and gaming sector which often required bulkload of creatives.

The tool brought down the number of creatives that designers had to work on from 40 down to 4, and automatically resizing the rest thereby becoming a prime goto tool for the internal design team.


Objective: Creative Showcase Site Design for Global Brand Client

The InMobi Showcase was ideated and designed as the go-to place for all queries regarding the creative capabilities of the platform and the main repository where clients could go and check the different functionalities and work done for brands all over the globe for different verticals. Its still WIP. 

Create plugin templates for brands for quick turn around

We put together almost 150 functionalities out of the mobile device hardware and software capabilities and created templates and ad formats for various user flows for those ideas so that they can be used by brands for quick turnaround projects.

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